Overcoming measles, diplomas of public health workers.


Natuna, Radar Kepri-Vice Regent of Natuna, Dra. Hj. Ngesti Yuni Suprapti, accompanied by badistants, OPD, chairman of the Natuna PKK district team, Hj, Nurhayati Hamid Rizal, officially opened the Rubella measles socialization Measles Measurement and Introduction

077006] Chairman of the organization and the organization of the profession in the work area of ​​Natuna District, head of the provincial health department of Kepri and chairman of the board of directors of the Indonesian Pediatric Association Kepri Province

Presented Ngesti "In 2000, more than 562,000 children died each year worldwide due to the complications of measles

However, despite all the efforts and measles immunization in 2014, the number of measles deaths has fallen to 115 000 per year.And Indonesia is committed to eliminating the control of measles and rubella and conbad rubella syndrome (SRC ) d & By 2020. [196590Surlabasofmonitoringandcaccumulationconcerningthelapseofthelocalmallocystallizationofmalergicfacilitatheirobjectiveofeliminatingdrugwort
With regard to accelerating the control of rubella acceleration, an additional vaccination campaign should be required beforehand. Systematic immunization. It is hoped that this socialization will reduce the level of measles and rubella contamination, especially in Natuna. "

Wabu also said:" Indonesia is committed to eliminating measles and rubella / infectious diseases 2020.
One of the efforts being made is mbad vaccination as an attempt to break the chain of transmission of measles and rubella viruses that exist in the community
In Natuna immunization MR, in August 2018 will be applied in all schools HR / MI and SMP / MTS are inadequate
In September 2018, Immunization by MR will be performed in all Posyandu, Polindes, Poskesdes and various public health facilities with vaccination targets for infants aged 9 months to 6 years.

Ngesti also hopes, The print and electronic media can help all elements of the media to disseminate information on the implementation plan of this mbad vaccination program

. This is important given the geographical nature of the Natuna in the form of island. At the same time, in his report, Rizal Renaldy, head of the Natuna District Health Unit, said that measles is a highly contagious disease caused by the virus and transmitted by coughing and sneezing with symptoms: high fever , red spots on the skin and cough or runny nose and can cause death in case of complications

"99% of people who have a close relationship with measles can be infected. In Rizal, Indonesia, rubella is one of the public health problems that requires effective prevention efforts

Surveillance data from the past five years show that 70% of rubella cases occur in Indonesia. age group <15 years old.
Also that, according to the study of the estimated burden of SRC disease in Indonesia in 2013, there are 2767 cases of SRC, 82 / 100,000 occurred at the age of the mother 15-19 years and 47 / 100,000 to 40-44 year old mother

According to Rizal This disease can be prevented through routine vaccination with rubella vaccine against measles

Implementation of Rubel vaccination campaign using the Natuna District PDBD Program and the 2018 DAK Non-Physical Health Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Program (herman)

Written by Radar Kepri
Tuesday, July 03, 2018. Category Natuna, Terkini.
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