Not only delicious, nuts are also a healthy and nutritious food, and can be beneficial for men. Why is it?
Apparently, nuts can help men produce higher and better sperm counts.
Research on peanut consumption and sperm quality is carried out by the Human Nutrition Unit of Rovira i Virgili University in Spain.
Leading author of the study, Albert Salas-Huetos, said that the study was done in response to a decrease in the amount and quality of human sperm-related pollution, smoking and food trends.
fertile traits between 18 and 35 years to study the impact of peanut consumption on sperm.
Participants in the study were divided into two groups. The first group, adding 60 grams of almonds mixed, hazelnut and nuts in their diet. The second group ate as usual without any extra nuts.
Results showed higher levels of sperm count, vitality, movement, and morphology among the groups that ate 60 grams of nuts per day than men who did not consume nuts.
The peanut flour group improved sperm count by 16 percent, sperm vitality four percent, sperm movement six percent, and morphology one percent.
This figure is the list of parameters of the World Health Organization as a measure of sperm quality and is badociated with male fertility.
Given this research, it was found that by eating beans, men can produce more sperm and quality.
However, eating nuts is not the only way to benefit from such benefits. You must always apply a healthy lifestyle, including eating healthy foods and added nuts.
The researchers also informed that the study participants included healthy and fertile, so it is not clear if the same way would apply to a large population, including the men who have fertility problems.
According to Allan Pacey, professor of Andrology at the University of Sheffield, who did not participate in the research, men from the peanut group may have brought others positive changes, but have not been taken into account in the research process. at the Guy Hospital in London, the study was academically interesting, but it was impossible to say what effect they would have on the increased chances of pregnancy
Virginia says that patients should be encouraged to quit, quit smoking and eat healthy
Experts also say that this research supports other studies such as omega-3 fatty acid-rich diets , antioxidants and vitamin B folate that improve the overall health of spermatozoa.
In a study from the University of Western Australia published by the journal Ecology Letters, it was discovered that the best defense against sperm damage is a combination of two potent antioxidants, vitamin E and beta-carotene.
rich in beta-carotene such as cantaloupe, carrots, apricots, squash, mango and orange-colored foods, as well as foods rich in antioxidants such as almonds, broccoli and strawberries.
There are other foods that can increase fertility, such as dark chocolate. Eating dark chocolate can help neutralize the effects of toxins and air pollution that can affect fertility. In addition, chocolate contains amino acids that have been shown to double the volume of sperm.
You can also try eating oysters, shellfish or lobsters because it's a good source of zinc that helps sperm production.
In addition, try to eat bananas diligently because they contain vitamins C, A and B1 that are known to improve the ability of men to produce sperm.
Finally, there is also ginseng that increases testosterone, asparagus that helps volume and speed, as well as garlic containing allicin and selenium, which can flow in the blood and protect the spermatozoa. v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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