Portrait of Prisoner Pilu from Tuban Prison, MW Care for his baby alone in prison. No vaccine yet


SURYA.co.id | TUBAN – Seen a woman holding a baby behind the bars of Penitentiary (Lapas) IIB Tuban, in the street of the veterans, Wednesday (25/7/2018). With a sad face, the mother who is a member of Tubas IIB Tuban Prison is always strong to hold her baby in a limited space.

The casual baby named Rizki Ramadan laments, like any other baby. The crying stopped when the baby had mother's milk from his mother, MW (26)

"Yes, it's like taking care of a child in jail," MW says.

He tells us, if the baby is born the period of detention resulting from a crime committed. Upon entering prison, the age of her pregnancy came in a month, while MW was sentenced to 18 months in prison.

"When I go to prison, my uterus lasted a month," continued MW, asleep the baby

was taken by the prison officer to RSUD Dr. Koesma Tuban, for the birth of his baby.

When her baby was born, she had to stay three days in the hospital to restore her health. As for newborns, they must stay five days.

"In giving birth at the hospital, I first returned to prison, my baby is still in the hospital," he says

. two months, the small baby did not receive immunization of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG).

Immunization prevents infants from getting tuberculosis (tuberculosis) because it can cause lung infections, attack other parts of the body such as joints, bones, brain membranes (meninges) and the kidneys.

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