Preferred Human Sweats Cage Dengue Mosquito Dengue Breeding


Journalist Reporter Tribune Lampung Eka A Solihin

TRIBUNLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG – Tips on preventing and preventing dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) can focus on two problems namely DBD disease and the environment

Based on Endang Budiati, doctor practicing in the city of Bandar Lampung, the DBD disease is relatively characterized by high fever and resembles red spots on the skin and semisalnya

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"If the fever is greater than four days should be checked immediately to find further treatment, "Endang says, Friday (29/6)

Next, do not eat a simple stimulating food such as coconut milk and spicy cooking. Because it can attack the stomach that can affect blood pembulu sisakit.

"The disease is necessary to use a lot of drinking water, because in the body leaks that create lost liquids." In addition to the environment, the eradication of the nest mosquito (PSN) and 3M (bury, ambad and drain) and Plus is the most effective way to prevent the spread of dengue hemorrhagic.

Well Plus itself, among them, clean the environment and do not hang clothes.Because, the outfit used to hang is made a mosquito DBD (Aedes aegypti) as cage for raising the egg.

"Clothes have become a mosquito favorite for perch because they have the smell of humans, especially the smell of sweats. If you want to keep the new clothes tidy in a closed cage, do not hang them, he explained.

Then, lower the larvae of mosquitoes that can not be drained. Remove the loose powder for residents to take at the nearest health center

"Therefore, residents are not lazy to retire to the health centers closest to the larval shelter. mosquitoes, "he explained. (eka)

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