Pregnant women Addiction to alcohol, later children become addicted


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – exposed babies l & # 39; alcohol when in the womb can trigger the risk of addiction later in life. Changes in the fetal brain system can increase the risk of addiction.

Published research The Journal of Neuroscience suggests a brain exposed to alcohol during pregnancy endocannibinoïdes affect the dopaminergic neurons. This makes the behavior addictive.

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Endokannibinoïde weakens excitatory synapses in dopaminergic neurons in the region tegental ventral (VTA) or parts of the brain that affect the process of addiction, attention and appreciation.

"The end result is that dopaminergic neurons in the brain become more sensitive to drugs later becoming addicted," said Roh-Yu Shen, senior researcher at the University of Buffalo, USA, as quoted from the page Boldsky.

Brain exposed to alcohol during pregnant make endocannabinoids decreased due to decreased receiver function endocannabinoids that Synapses loss of excitatory ability and continue to strengthen. Shen believes that brain mechanisms can increase the risk of addiction.

"Endocannibinoïdes can increase the susceptibility of the brain to addiction so that drug therapy can be experienced, "said Shen.

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