Prevent diabetes in children according to Principle 5201

[ad_1], Jakarta Diabetes Diabetes Mellitus or Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder caused by a higher than normal increase in blood glucose that lasts chronically. This is due to interference with the insulin hormone produced by the pancreas.

Insulin has the function of regulating the use of glucose by muscles, fat or other cells of the body. If insulin production is reduced, this will cause high blood sugar levels as well as a slowing down of the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

This noncommunicable disease does not only attack adults, but children can also suffer. According to data from the Indonesian Association of Paediatricians (IDAI), the incidence of diabetes in children aged 0 to 18 years has increased by 700% in 10 years.

Dr. dr. Aman Pulungan, Sp. A disease related to childhood K disease requires significant costs. "The cost is quite high because they will use insulin for the rest of their lives," he said at a meeting in Jakarta on Wednesday (31/10).

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