Prevention of neuropathy, nerve disease that starts to tingle – VIVA


VIVA – A neuropathy or disorder of nerve damage from tingling symptoms is often overlooked. But if left alone, it will damage the human nervous system.

Not only that, according to the chairman of the PERDOSSI Neurophysiology and Frontal Nerve Study Center, Dr. Manfuluthy Hakim, SpS (K), a 50% damaged nerve, is difficult to regenerate. This, he adds, could certainly have an impact on the decline of a person's quality of life.

Neuropathy itself can actually be prevented and treated before it becomes fatal. But unfortunately, most people do not know how to prevent it. So, how to prevent neuropathy?

"For prevention efforts, lead a healthy life, exercise regularly, get enough rest, follow a balanced diet," said Dr. Manfuluthy Hakim, SpS (K). He was met after a press conference to recognize the symptoms of neuropathy and the risk of a permanent impact on the body, in Wijaya, South Jakarta, Tuesday, July 31, 2018.

Also, dr . Yoska, medical director of Merck Consumer Health, in reference to the Asian Journal of Medical Science 2018, consumption of neurotrophic vitamins not only prevent, but also reduce the symptoms of peripheral nerve damage such as tingling and numbness up to 62.9 percent within 3 months of consumption.

"Neurotropic vitamins consist of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 that help to improve the metabolic disorders of nerve cells, and provide the necessary input for the nerves to function properly," said Dr. Yoska.

Thus, it can reduce the risk of neuropathy, especially in younger individuals.


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