Private sector research and development agency for mass production of veterinary technologies


Jakarta, () – The Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD) is cooperating with the private sector to produce a large-scale veterinary technology produced by the Veterinary Research Center (CVRI).

IAARD Secretary, Prama Yufdy, said Monday at the opening of the workshop and training on emerging and reemerging zoonotic diseases in Indonesia in Bogor that various veterinary technologies, including the Vaccine technology, disease diagnosis, herbal medicine, diagnostic methods of diseases, antigens and others, was produced by IRCVS.

"A vaccine technology against strategic animal diseases has been developed and cooperated with the private sector to be mbad-produced in the form of licenses so that it can be widely used by the public," said Prama Yufdy.

The training workshop on emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases in Indonesia was organized with the aim of increasing and understanding the disease as well as its treatment and prevention efforts, while celebrating the 110 years of the IRCVS.

The program deals with important diseases seeking solutions, treating and controlling both new emerging diseases and emerging but re-emerging diseases.

"Until now, the IRCVS continues to play an active role in national development, particularly in the livestock sector in the veterinary field," said the secretary of the board. AIARD.

Research Results in Veterinary Technology from the Veterinary Research Center of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency

The director of the IRCVS, NLP Indi Dharmayanti, said the agency had produced various vaccines such as the bird flu vaccine (bird flu) for poultry, the Tetelo vaccine (Newcastle disease) for poultry, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) vaccine to prevent miscarriage in livestock, VTEC vaccine to reduce calf mortality and ETEC vaccine to reduce piglet mortality.

"In addition, several other technologies are ready to be cooperated with the private sector.Veterinary technology produced should be able to support the achievement of the strategic objectives of agricultural development, especially in the field of livestock," he said. he declared.

In addition to producing veterinary technology products, it continued at the same time that the results of the study had provided information on important diseases, especially zoonoses, both those that do not Had never been reported (emerging diseases) and those that reappeared after (re-emerging diseases).

The information on the disease, he added, is important for some stakeholders to be aware of in order to participate in prevention and prevention.

He explained that the emerging disease is a new infection that appears in a population and increases rapidly in a geographic area, while re-emerging disease is an infection that recurs after a significant decline or infection that previously existed and that is now re-emerging with rapid increase. . Zoonosis is a disease that can spread from one animal to another.

"The availability of human resources at IRCVS is very competent in their fields, as well as comprehensive support equipment and laboratories such as biotechnology laboratories, BSL3 zoonotic laboratories and BSL3 modular laboratories that all institutions and other facilities of Support does not support much in implementing emerging and re-emerging zoonotic research in Indonesia, "said Indi.

IRCVS, he added, continued his research on old viruses and new viruses from old viruses. This makes it easy to detect it from the new emerging disease, prevent it and prevent it more quickly, both through human transmission and through animal transmission.

Read also: Ministry of mbad production of clade vaccine 2.3.2 H5N1

Read also: The Ministry of Agriculture examines the best vaccine against bird flu

Pewarta: Subagyo
Publisher: Ganet Dirgantara

Source: Antara


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