Really, like depression? – Health

[ad_1] – Donuts are considered delicious snacks with fascinating shapes. But did you know that chewing one or two donuts could be a health hazard? (19459007) Recently, Boldsky launches the research activities of a group of researchers from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. They managed to find a connection between donuts and depression. If it's surprising, honey, like donuts, a sign of depression? The answer is yes.

The results of their research show that people who eat donuts more than two or three times a month have a 48% higher risk of depression than people who never consume them

. Researchers say that trans fats, unhealthy sugars and margarine found in donuts can cause inflammation in the brain, and then inhibit the production of dopamine and serotonin, so depression appears in the body. people already depressed.

Depression itself is a serious mental illness characterized by symptoms of continued sadness, despair, and mental weakness for a long time. Depression is usually triggered by certain changes in brain chemicals and hormones like dopamine and serotonin.

Changes in chemicals and hormones in the brain are usually caused by financial causes such as the loss of a loved one. In some cases, depression can also be caused by unhealthy lifestyle habits such as poor diet and lack of exercise.

It is very difficult to determine the exact cause of depression, but it can be treated with swallowing. healthy life. Thus, it is clear that an unhealthy diet can trigger or even worsen depression. Answer now, for gee, like donuts a sign of depression?






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