Recognize GHD, Hormones That Influence Children's Growth


JAKARTA, NNC – Have you ever heard of the term GHD? GHD is deficient in growth hormone, a growth hormone that is not widely known by the public. This hormone is one of the factors that influence the growth of the child. This growth hormone helps children grow up.

"The hormone GHD is produced by the pituitary gland, the small gland of the brain. This hormone circulates in the blood throughout the body to help people perform their duties in complex ways, especially growth, "Aman said at a media rally of the Nasionall Children's Day (HAN) 2018 to Jakarta Thursday (27/7/2018) Safe, children with GHD hormone deficiency are experiencing slower growth than other children of the same age.In general, they have a growth retardation of up to 25%. at 2 inches (5.08 cm) per year 1, and look bigger and younger for their age.

Development of a weak bone in the middle of the face is also a sign of the hormone insufficient growth, although it is not a hereditary disease, but a small number of cases of GHD in siblings.

Late delivery in Children with GHD will make it difficult for the child to catch up to the ideal size in fon age, children with GHD who reach adulthood will experience non-specific functional changes, such as changes in physical and mental health, cardiac function, and metabolic parameters. However, adults with GHD have the ability to experience low energy and libido levels compared to normal adults.

Safe adds, with the development of science and technology in the health sector, GHD has been treated with recombinant human growth hormone (r-hGH) which is identical to the somatotropin produced in the pituitary gland. . Unlike nutritional problems, GHD children have a significant period of treatment / therapy between the age of three and puberty

"GHD can not be stimulated and can not be increased by food. if lack of hormone GHD, can be helped by the hormone from outside, "said Aman.

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