Recognize the difference of three types of hepatitis and mode of transmission – VIVA


VIVA – Hepatitis is an inflammation that occurs in the liver. Some types of hepatitis are influenced by different types of viruses with different transmission risks.

The President of PB Indonesian Heart Research Association, dr. Irsan Hasan, SpPD-KGEH, between hepatitis A, B and C will differ in the mode of transmission. "Hepatitis A is transmitted through food, which is influenced by unhealthy lifestyles and lifestyles and unhealthy foods," he said at a press briefing on Thursday. July 26, 2018.

Hepatitis A is closely related to poor sanitation and clean water. "In hepatitis B and C, he has a chance of bad transmission, but hepatitis B is very risky in the transmission of pregnant women and their fetuses," said Irsan.

Hepatitis B itself, in 2013, recorded a figure of 7.1% of the total population in Indonesia. "Transmission of hepatitis C can be done through lifestyle.In fact, in 2000, the highest transmission among injecting drug users, 92% of patients with IGD have been detected as having hepatitis C. "

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