Recognize the early symptoms of stress, these 9 signs: low-libido hair loss


TRIBUNJAKARTA.COM – Did you know the symptoms stress can appear without you to realize it?

Yes stress can reduce the immune system and make us fall is sick.

Sometimes you know when you are stress or too much depressed and you realize that you have to be away from work or withdraw from your social obligations for a while.

However, there are times when you do not know and do not realize symptoms stress c & # 39; is.

And in such cases, the functioning of your immune system will be disrupted.

In addition, you can also struggle with emotional disturbances.

Report of Miracle of health, here are 9 stress symptoms that you must understand:

1. Keep thinking about work

Symptoms of stress


Symptoms of stress

You are under great pressure if you constantly think about finances, jobs, obligations and you can not relax.

To worry about something will only complicate things and cause a variety of psychological and physical problems.

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