Recognize these 11 signs of leukemia


Illustration – pacienterenal.general /, JAKARTA – Leukemia or blood cancer among singers Denada and Jerry Aurum actually present a number of recognizable symptoms.

Here are 11 signs as reported by Medical News Today:

1. Anemia
This condition occurs when the body does not contain red blood cells – which carry oxygen throughout the body.

A person with a deficiency of red blood cells usually has several symptoms: tiredness, weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, headache. , pale skin and extraordinary sensation of coldness

2. Having Infections
Children with leukemia have high numbers of white blood cells, but most of these cells do not work properly because abnormal cells replace healthy white blood cells.

White blood cells help protect the body and fight infections Repeated and persistent infections can show that a child does not have healthy white blood cells

3. Bruising and bleeding
If a child has bruising, severe nosebleeds, or bleeding gums, it can lead to leukemia. Children suffering from this type of cancer lack platelets whose function helps prevent bleeding

4. Bone or Joint Pain
If a child appears painful and complains that his or her bones or joints are sick or sick, it may indicate that he or she has leukemia. When leukemia develops, abnormal cells can accumulate inside joints or near the surface of the bone

5. Swelling
In children with leukemia, swelling can affect various parts of the body, including the abdomen, when abnormal cells converge in the liver and spleen.

Then, the face and the arms

Also in the lymph nodes, when we see a small lump formed on the side of the neck, in the armpit or on the clavicle

It is important to note only when a person's lymph nodes swell and do not do it. there are symptoms, it is more likely to have an infection than leukemia.

The swelling will worsen when the child wakes up and improves during the day.

Lack of appetite, abdominal pain and weight loss
If leukemia cells have caused swelling of the liver, kidneys or spleen, these organs can suppress the stomach. The result can be a feeling of satiety or discomfort, a lack of appetite and weight loss.

Cough or difficulty breathing
Leukemia can affect parts of the body around the chest, such as certain lymph nodes or the thymus, the glands between the lungs.

If these parts of the body swell, it will remove the trachea and will (19659003) Respiratory difficulties may also occur if the leukemia cells accumulate in the small blood vessels of the lungs

If a child has the difficulty breathing, seek immediate medical attention

8. Headache, vomiting and seizures
If leukemia affects the brain or spinal cord, a child may experience symptoms such as headache, seizures, vomiting, difficulty concentrating, balance problems and blurred vision.

9. Rash
Leukemia cells that spread to the skin may cause the appearance of small dark spots such as a rash. This collection of cells is called chloroma or granulocytic sarcoma, and it is very rare.

Bruising and haemorrhaging characteristic of leukemia can also cause small spots called petechiae. It can also look like a rash.

10. Extreme Fatigue
In rare cases, leukemia causes very weak weakened bodies and fatigue that can even cause wolf patients.

This condition occurs when leukemia cells accumulate in the blood and thicken the blood. The blood can be so thick that the circulation slows through the tiny vessels in the brain.

11. Feeling bad
A child may not be able to describe his symptoms in detail, but they may seem sick in general. When the cause of a child's illness is unclear, see a doctor immediately.

Source: Between

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