Researchers create AI who can guess the personality just by seeing the eyes

[ad_1] – The phrase "the eye is the window of the soul" is probably re-proven by research. This time, researchers involve Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Artificial Intelligence.

An AI made by Australian researchers can predict a person's personality simply by paying attention to his eyes

Not only do we validate the role of personality in explaining eye movement in everyday life, "says Tobias Loetscher, neuropsychologist at the University of South Australia cited in Science Alert Monday (30/07/2018). "But it also reveals the features of eye movement as a predictor of personality traits," he continues.

In previous research, researchers have discovered that eye movements mean the way people think and feel, consciously and unconsciously. He then raises the question in the mind of the researcher, can the movement of the eye represent the internal personality?

poran published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience to answer this, the researchers recruited 50 participants

Participants were then asked to complete a questionnaire showing their personality in the top five: Openness, Prudence, Neuroticism, Agreement and Extraversion (Level of Comfort)

Subsequently, participants were asked to wear a catchy device for ten minutes. This device is used to record the movement of their eyes when asked to buy something in a store.

When IA badyzes recorded data, the result can isolate eye movements. Then, this model comes with basic psychological profiles.

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"One of the major contributions of our work is to show, for the first time, that the level of neuroticism, extraversion, agreement, cautiousness and perceptual curiosity (other types of personality) can only be predicted from the movement eyes recorded in everyday life, "the researchers write in their report, 19659002] That means, AI made by Australian researchers who can predict the type of personality.

Unfortunately, artificial intelligence n & # 39, has not been able to provide results with great accuracy.As a perfect, researchers think provide a kind of virtual badistant capable of reading the mood or personality.

"The people are always looking for improved and personal services "This study offers an opportunity to develop robots and computers so that they can become more natural and better interpret social cues," said Loetscher

. the man, "he continued.

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