Respond to the "defamation" of the original Indonesian cuisine, how to gather the chicken?

[ad_1], Padang – Dr. Tan Shot Yen, an expert in nutrition and health, said that providing a family health menu should not be expensive and could be taken from a variety of ingredients found in the environment.

"The first characteristic of healthy foods is to return to its original form in nature, therefore, if there is chicken curry and chicken sausage, the chicken curry is clearly healthier because God does not." Never made chicken sausages, "he told Padang on 4/11 / 2018) reported Antara.

During the seminar on the healthy menu for the family, easy and cheap, he evoked the theme "Here is the contents of my plate where the contents of your plate" was organized by the Breastfeeding Association. Indonesian West Sumatra (AIMI).

According to him, there is to date an erroneous view that states do not eat eggs because of cholesterol, do not eat seafood because of high cholesterol and do not eat of vegetables because of the gout.

"Although all Indonesian products ranging from seafood to vegetables and agricultural products are of the highest quality, foreign nationals have been sent abroad," he said.

He gave examples of vegetables that can be eaten directly and easily from basil leaves, round eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers, kedongong leaves, long beans, lettuce and leunca. Then, according to his healthy diet, the substances contained must also be balanced, including carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

"Good carbs are not refined, they are still rich in antioxidants, slowly digested in sugar and high in fiber," he said.

In addition, good food should contain a good amount of healthy fats, especially those of deep-sea fish, coconut, beans and avocados.

Then, the elements of the protein must also come from eggs, tempeh, mushrooms, chicken and other seafood.

He recalled that the delicious and safe cuisine is composed of pepes, soup, soup, pesmol, team, arsik and pangek.

"So, it's not fried and if it's burned, wrap it with leaves so that those that are directly exposed to fire are the leaves," he said.

According to him, when foods are fried, healthy fats in the form of omega-3 are lost or damaged and turn into trans fats.

"If it is burned directly, it will form free radicals in the form of" advanced lipid oxidation end products "that will cause cell damage," he told Padang.

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This dried curry made from goat's feet is known as a gule with floating goat's knees.

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