Responses to the safety conditions of the coroner of blood donors


Blood donors over the age of 17, weighing more than 45 kg, with blood pressure greater than 110/70 mmHg but not with high blood pressure (high blood pressure when blood pressure is greater than 160/100 mmHg ), no smokers, no menstruation, 12%% hemoglobin, and no tattoos on the arm.

In addition, 4 infectious diseases must be released from the blood. The four diseases are HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, cancer.

Moreover, he is not a heavy smoker and drug addict

"There is a tattoo on his arm." Eyebrow tattoos in other parts, such as tattooing eyebrows allows, "said PMI chairman DKI Jakarta's Muhammad Ali Reza Tupperware press conference at Blood Donor concentrated in the southern district on Friday (27/07/2018). escape because the blood of smokers is usually thick.

Blood can not be used for blood donors.

While the safety of agents among them uses gloves and mouth masks

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