Rise of sugar in the blood? Down with the food here


TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – After Lebaran, there are many vulnerable diseases that breed, one of the diseases is the rise in blood sugar level. The increase in blood sugar is a bad condition especially for those who suffer from diabetes. Even an increase in blood sugar that is not achieved can increase the risk of sudden death.

Eid moments are synonymous with eating, many dishes that can trigger the increase in blood sugar has increased instantly, let's call it Bersantan food, cookies, sugary drinks and other foods that contain high levels of sugar.

Well, to avoid the increase in blood sugar after the moment of Eid, you can use the following healthy food.

1 green vegetables

Green vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli are foods that have complete nutrition and low calories. Green vegetables include foods that contain a little carbohydrate, which helps keep blood sugar levels stable.

2 eggs

Eggs contain good sources of protein and calories for the body, eating 2 eggs every day helps the body keep its blood sugar so it does not fluctuate, eating eggs every day also helps you avoid terrible diseases. Eggs are also foods that contain lutein, this content is a source of antioxidants useful for protecting the eyes.

3 Turmeric

Curcumin in turmeric is a useful ingredient for lowering blood sugar levels, turmeric is also a useful dietary ingredient to prevent heart attacks, diabetes attacks, kidney damage.

4 cinnamon

Cinnamon includes spices that have many benefits, if you diligently consume cinnamon added to your food, then this can avoid you the problem of increased blood sugar, cholesterol buildup and diabetes type 2.

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