Routine Routine Yoga Practice Expedite Blood Flow and Metabolism


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JAKARTA – Yoga is a sport that is loved by modern society. This exercise focuses on the body and mind. If before yoga is only known as a meditation exercise, now yoga is also supposed to burn more calories than other sports.

Basically, yoga has a wide variety of types and movements. Where each type can provide health benefits, such as helping to calm the mind, control stress and anxiety. Report of the Times of India, the following benefits of yoga for health.

1. Increase Metabolism
Practicing yoga on a regular basis can increase your metabolism. It's thanks to the yoga movement that is done. Good metabolism, the body becomes more fit.

2. Streamline Blood Flow
Concentrating and relaxing while practicing yoga can facilitate the flow of blood throughout the body. Such as the pear tree, which can help the venous blood from the bottom of the body to the heart. In addition, blood can also be pumped into the lungs so that it receives oxygen.

3. Lowering sugar levels in the blood
Several studies have shown that yoga works to lower blood sugar. In fact, not only blood sugar, regular yoga exercises are also able to lower the levels of bad cholesterol that could be factors causing heart disease and stroke.


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