Routine walk to make thin and prevent strokes


JAKARTA – Walking has many health benefits because lowering stress can reduce the risk of developing a chronic disease. However, in modern times and all of this moment, the walking activity has been greatly avoided.

"Routine walking helps reduce stress and reduce the risk of chronic disease. Walking regularly is the best and easiest way to go about health, "said author of The Docter on Demand Diet, Melina Jampolis.

If you are interested in starting a cheap and healthy sport, as reported by Prevention, tеrlеbіh once enjoyed the benefits of walking on a regular basis.

1. Slimming the stomach

Trainer Ariel Iasevoli explains that regular walking helps improve the body's response to insulin, which will reduce fat in the stomach

"Walking as the day increases metabolism prevents muscle loss. clearly Lasevoli.

2. Reducing the Risk of Chronic Disease

Walking can lower blood sugar, which means that the risk of diabetes goes down. Researchers from the University of Colorado and the University of Tennessee have revealed that walking is shown to consistently lower blood pressure to reduce the risk of stroke by 20 to 40%.

3. Increased mood

"Research shows that walking on a regular basis really affects a nervous system that affects the decrease of anger and hostility," says Jampolis.

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