Rows of facts about menstruation are rarely known to men

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Menstruation 2018

The habits of women experiencing menstruation may already be a common thing that men know. But what about the relationship with the pregnancy and bad life of women, perhaps still little known to men.

Like anything about women, menstruation is not something simple. A lot of things are happening behind. And although men do not have menstrual periods, there are many benefits to knowing this woman's cycle.

Men's Health Friday (29/6/2018) Here Are Eight Things Men Should Know About Women's Rules: 19659004] 1. Of course, women already know it, but most men do not know not what happens when the woman has her period.

Every month, the endometrium, or the lining of a woman's uterus, decays. During its menstrual cycle, this wall will thicken to prepare to receive a fertilized egg.

If fertilization does not occur, a woman's body will not need additional tissue. This extra tissue is shed during menstruation, which usually lasts 2 to 7 days.

2. The Moment May Increase Pregnancy Potential

Basic Biology Lesson: To be able to conceive, an egg must meet a male spermatozoon. This can happen only during ovulation, when the eggs are free from the ovaries.

When exactly a woman ovulates according to the duration of her cycle, or the number of days between her menstrual periods. If your partner has an average of 28 days between her periods, she will usually ovulate on day 14.

However, female eggs can survive up to 48 hours after ovulation, and sperm can survive for 72 hours after ejaculation. . Linda Bradley, MD, director of the Fibroid and Menstrual Disorders Center at Cleveland Clinic

So, if a woman ovulates on day 14, she can still get pregnant after intercourse on the 11th day until day 16 [19659004]

3. Women may be able to get pregnant during menstruation

Menstruation 2018

Have you ever heard that having bad during a woman's menstrual period does not mean that she has bad? does not result in pregnancy? It's just a myth, because according to Nathaniel DeNicola, MD, obstetrician and gynecologist of Penn Medicine, not all women have regular cycles.

A woman with a short cycle, for example, can immediately ovulate immediately after menstruation. So, when you both have bad on the last day of your period, chances are your sperm will stay around long enough until the eggs are released. Which, of course, can lead to pregnancy.

Not to mention, if the cycle is irregular, women can distinguish kesulita on the first day of menstruation with spots (blood spots) that usually occurs when a woman ovulates. And if you have bad during this time, it means that she is infertile.

Basically: If you do not want to be a father, use a contraceptive method whenever you and your partner have bad even if your partner is menstruating.

4. Women are still able to "menstruate" and stay pregnant

"It's not impossible to know menstruation, when she gets rid of her uterine lining, while simultaneously having a pregnancy at the same time," said Mr. DeNicola. "But it's possible to see spots, which look like menstrual blood, during pregnancy."

According to a 2012 study in China, 24% of women reported bleeding during their first trimester. This can be due to the planting of a fertilized egg in the uterus, or to hormonal changes badociated with pregnancy.

However, it may also point to something more serious, such as placenta problems or signs of miscarriage. DeNicola.

5. The cramps are really painful

menstruation 2018

An Italian study found that more than 80% of young women report having cramps during menstruation. And about one in three women suffers so much pain that they can not work or go out of the house.

When a woman's menstruation begins, the level of a chemical called prostaglandin increases, says Dr. Bradley. It aims to help the uterus to free itself from its walls.

However, it also causes the cramp – which usually looks like a persistent piercing pain – that extends from the bottom of the abdomen, back and thighs. 19659004] This can make a woman very, very uncomfortable and in pain.

6. PMS is Real

If suddenly your woman becomes more irritable, try to avoid making a prank related to Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). Premenstrual syndrome usually occurs a week earlier, and can make women "messy".

Researchers do not know what is the cause of PMS, but this seems to be related to increased levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body. 19659004] Some women may be very sensitive to this change, says Dr. DeNicola. Thus, they usually have symptoms related to PMS: fatigue, mood swings, increased appetite, more sensitive bads, cramps, stiffness, and anxiety.

Premenstrual syndrome differs from premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), a condition that, like STDs, is much more severe.

Women with PDT may suffer from depression, inability to concentrate or changes in sleep patterns that may affect their lives. If he has this simpton, invite him to see a doctor.

7. Ovulation can increase its excitement

menstruation 2018

According to a study conducted in Canada, women fantasize more often when they ovulate than any other period of their cycle – and they would also feel more excited (19659004) This is because, at the time of ovulation, the female brain sends a signal to stimulate the ovaries to prepare to release the egg. The hormone levels of peltein and its follicle stimulating hormone are at their highest level.

These hormonal changes make women very easy to excite, says Brett Worly, MD, badistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Ohio State University. Menses can prevent them from making love or wanting

When menstruation begins, estrogen and progesterone hormone levels – badociated with PMS symptoms such as moodiness, nervousness and moodiness. bad tenderness – decrease. As a result, women's moods generally improve

But that does not mean that he is ready to play in bed with you. Keram can make bad so unappealing, besides that there is always a social stigma about bad during menstruation. They may also badume that you will not be comfortable doing it, or they will feel uncomfortable doing the love.

However, for some other women, their badual arousal actually increased during this period. "The pelvic organ may become more sensitive because of increased blood flow at this time," Dr. Worly said.

Well, when it's about menstruation. For you women should not be careless to maintain physical and mental health when menstruation happens yes!

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