Journalist Tribune Jambi Report, Herupitra
TRIBUNJAMBI.COM, SUNAIPENUH – The Sungai Penuh Municipal Government through the Health Unit follows the Measles Measles (MR) awareness and socialization campaign in 2018.
The event was held at the BKPSDM Hall It presents speakers from the representatives of Unicef of Jambi and Bangka Belitung Tati Yusita, Thursday (12/7/2018).
Follow-up of Tribunjambi.com, the event was attended by the head of Pukesmas and participants including Pukesmas vaccination officers and PKK cadres. 19659003] Tati Yusita in her presentation stated that the rubella measles (MR) vaccination campaign is a mbad vaccination activity. Namely, an attempt to disconnect the transmission of measles and rubella virus in children aged 9 months to 15 years.
"It is our joint responsibility to fight it.To lead in the prevention of technique as well as to ensure the level of coverage and quality of vaccination is the agents of the Pukesmas," sebutnya.
The rubella virus is usually a mild illness in children. However, if transmitted to pregnant women in the first trimester or early pregnancy is also very dangerous
"This virus can cause miscarriage or disability in the baby who is born", known as the syndrome of conbad rubella. Bismar Sandra said the implementation of the vaccination would begin in August and September.
"For provisional data from 3,451 vaccines, we have prepared 27,604 people who will be vaccinated free of charge at Kota Sungai Penuh.",
Bismar explains that measles is harmful to the baby, because it can cause deformity, deafness, blindness and water-relatedness.However, when transmitted to pregnant women during the first trimester or early pregnancy, this virus can cause miscarriage or disability in babies born.
"What we fear is that rubella attacks pregnant women.This virus can cause miscarriage or disability in babies born.C & # Is what worries us, "he said
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