Scientists awaken the prehistoric man So robot, here is the process

[ad_1] – Frankenstein Cyborg Crabs, a study conducted by a group of scientists to awaken prehistoric humans in a new form of robot. The researchers will place the Neanderthal brain in a crab-shaped robot. This will use artificial intelligence.

Reported Mirror, Monday (2/7), a scientific research project tries to discover the cause of the extinct Neanderthals. The team from the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) in the United States (USA) is experimenting with tissue bumps taken from fossil bones called human ancestors.

They would have managed to grow a small brain, the size of a pea, in a stew in the laboratory. They say the next step is to connect the human brain with a robot using a neural implant to try to create a kind of Neanderthal cyborg.

  Neanderthal, Neanderthal fossil, human prehistoric robot
Fossil photo of Neanderthal bone. (iStockphoto)

This prestigious project will eventually know and unmask the causes of the extinction of the Neanderthals, leaving homo sapiens colonize the earth.

Despite the fact that the last Neanderthals walked on Earth more than 40,000 years ago, modern scientists continue to learn new things thanks to technological advances. Scientists need several months to grow stem cells containing Neanderthal DNA in small brains called organids. Then once finished, they go out in a small form like the strange popcorn compared to the human organs.

The team plans to connect them to robots like crabs and then compare them to each other. Therefore, this robot project is called Frankenstein Cyborg Crabs. Because Frankenstein is the eternal story of the revival of the corpse through the use of technology.

A member of the UCSD research team, Alysson Muotri, said in a report that the goal of "waking up" prehistoric humans was because they wanted to compare Neanderthalized organoids with robots to test their abilities.

"By doing this systematically, we will learn what genetic changes make us unique as human beings and why they are positively elected." Little by little, it is believed that the crab Frankenstein robot will be able to study their environment through the mini-brains that control them.

Moreover, seeing them learn differently will give clues to the differences. Himself also says that Neanderthals are interesting because they share the Earth with us and now there is real genetic evidence that we are equal to them. Then, with the research, it is hoped that later, one can find out what caused the extinction of the Neanderthals.

It is important to note that Neanderthals are members of the genus Homo extinct and come from the Pleistocene. The specimens are found in Eurasia, from western Europe to central and northern Asia. This species is called Neanderthal according to where it was first discovered in Germany, in the Neanderthal or in the Neander Valley.

Neanderthals can be clbadified as human subspecies (Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis) or in different species (Homo Neanderthalensis). The first proto-Neanderthal traces appeared in Europe 600 thousand – 350 thousand years ago.

(ryn / JPC)

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