Scientists find meteorites falling in Washington waters


The meteor is considered the largest to fall in the United States in the last 21 years

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON – Scientists are looking for large meteorites that fall into the ocean near Ocean Shores, Washington, USA, March 7, 2018. The researchers consisted of a team of scientists and academics

Research using the Nautilus high-tech submarine, part of the non-profit group Ocean Exploration Trust (TAB). The submarines were operated remotely to monitor the area and collect the meteorite fragments.

Members of other research teams are the US Space Agency (NASA), the University of Washington and the National Marine Sanctuary of the Olympic Coast. The new meteorite debris found will be a collection of research at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington.

The moment when meteors splash the ocean shocks local residents who think it's a spaceship. The NASA representative, Marc Fries, badyzed from a radar signal that it was a meteorite the size of a golf

Meteors fall about 16 miles off the coast and debris scattered in the ocean. Fries said the predicted two-ton sky is the largest meteor that falls in the United States in 21 years.

Scientists want to collect as much debris as possible for bricks for further study. The search for submarines is scheduled for Monday (2/7) from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm local time.

The dark black meteor search field is located near a 400 foot deep underwater gorge. Ocean Exploration Trust (OET) which also helps in finding Titanic debris, feels the need to be incorporated into the mission.

"This is an excellent opportunity for us, an exciting exploration mission," said Nicole Raineault, vice president of exploration and science of OET, quoted in Digital Trends

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