Silence disease is the most frequent woman Intai

[ad_1], Jakarta Frequent work overtime has an impact on the health of the person. Starting from increased stress levels to expand various chronic diseases. More recently, researchers have discovered women who are often prone to type 2 diabetes.

Epidemiologist at the Toronto Institute of Work and Health Toronto Mahee Gilbert-Ouimet and colleagues badyzed data on 7,000 Canadian workers. They all worked more than 12 years ago, divided between overtime and non-overtime.

Once badyzed, women who worked more than 45 hours per week of type 2 diabetes increased by 51% compared to those working 35-40 hours a week

However, researchers did not not found this effect in men Hour Wednesday (07/04/2018). "I'm surprised to see that overtime has no effect in men," Gilbert-Ouimet said.

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Many people believe that the contribution in rice can not only increase the weight, but also the risk of diabetes. Really?

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