Sleep on the lighting situation at risk of diabetes

[ad_1], Jakarta A recent study from Northwestern University reveals that activating nighttime sleep lights can increase the risk of diabetes. The study was generated by research on 20 adults aged 18 to 40 years old.

Sleeping in bright light can promote your resistance to insulin, a factor that presents a risk of diabetes. When this insulin can not accomplish its task, the body is about to struggle to transform its own sugar, as reported by Tuesday (24/7/2018).

Early research shows a night of light sleep would have an impact on the measurement of insulin resistance. In the past, many studies have linked poor quality sleep with increased risk of depression, bad cancer and prostate cancer, now we can add diabetes

before sleep (iStockphoto) “/>

This sleep disorder affects more than 25% of the human population and 50% of adults are elderly. Sleep Disorders in Adults Are at Risk for Heart Disease, Stroke and Diabetes

You Can not Sleep in a Bright Cage at Night

  Illustration of Sleep (iStockphoto / g-stockstudio )

the same problem, try to stay away from sleeping on the couch or sleeping with lights or television. Good luck!

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