Soap bars used together Disease Displays?

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Is swimming with bar soap used by many people, for example in a gym, at risk for health? The answer to this question was published in 1965. The researchers conducted a series of experiments in which they deliberately contaminated hands with about five billion pathogenic bacteria, such as Staphylococcus and E. coli.

They wash their hands with bar soap, the second person also washes their hands with the same soap. It turned out that the bacteria did not move to the second user, so it was concluded that the level of bacteria present in the bar soap, although used under extreme conditions, did not endanger health

. They inoculated a bar of soap with pathogenic bacteria, in this case E. coli and pseudomonan. Then, 16 subjects washed their hands with bar soap

After washing hands, no bacteria was detectable in the hands of each subject. They concluded that there was very little bacteria in washing their hands with soap that others were using.

Other studies have documented the presence of bacteria in bar soap, but no research has shown that bar soap was a source of infection. , a recent study reveals that bar soap is able to protect humans from infection even when an outbreak appears like the Ebola virus.

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