Solve canker sores in this natural way

[ad_1] – Since ancient times salt is already believed to defeat sprue. Relieves the liquid sufficiently by simply rinsing it with salt water

Be aware that salt has a natural quality to suck moisture with the process of osmosis, kill bacteria and reduce pain and pain. This is because salt has iodine, and a sodium chloride element in which there is a halogen group. The compound is very useful for killing bad bacteria that hide in the oral cavity.

If so, just dissolve a few tablespoons of salt with warm water the size of a carom. Once the salt dissolves, slightly thaw the salt water and gargle for about 30 seconds. Once the rinse is complete, vomit the water that has been used to rinse. Remember that salt water is used only for rinsing and not for drinking

To improve the effectiveness of the method, be sure to keep your oral hygiene with a toothbrush at least two times a day.

Also be sure to always eat healthy, balanced nutritious foods, especially those containing vitamin B12 and iron. Finally, get enough rest and avoid stress as much as possible.

One thing you should note, if the mouthwash method with salt water has not been able to relieve lily of the valley, feel free to consult the dentist. It aims to determine the condition of the canker sores and the underlying cause. Thus, the pupa can be completely resolved and you can again enjoy your favorite foods and drinks every day.

In addition to salt water, other natural ingredients that are also able to cope with canker sores are cloves. By chewing it, the substances in the cloves can help relieve the pain of canker sores.

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