Some things that can be consumed to reduce the bad impact of smoking habits


TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Smoking Habits Have Negative Health Effects Due to Nicotine Content

Nicotine in cigarettes causes problems such as lung damage, lympha hypertension and heart problems. This habit also speeds up the metabolic syndrome, diabetes 2, and insulin sensitivity.

In addition, nicotine affects thyroid and pituitary function and reduces adrenal and badual hormones.

Here are some things that can be consumed to help you cleanse nicotine body.


Water detoxifies the body through the skin and rehydrates from dehydration due to nicotine. Make sure to consume 8 to 12 glbades a day

Carrot Juice

Whenever you smoke, you make nicotine in the body for three days, which can damage the skin .

A, K on carrots and detoxification of the upper body also makes the skin smooth, fresh and bright.


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