Sports in the morning can increase concentration – VIVA


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VIVA – For some people, exercise in the morning is not the best choice. However, we should know that morning exercise has many benefits to our health and determines how we live our activities throughout the day.

Former Olympic athlete and personal trainer of Cristiano Ronaldo, Director of Worldwide Fitness Education Herbalife Nutrition, "said Samantha Clayton, as an athlete, she knows very well that morning exercise regularly affects performance, attitudes and the daily behavior of the body. Waking up in the morning requires discipline and discipline is the key to becoming a successful athlete.

"Scientifically, it makes sense that our body's performance becomes more efficient after our rest, and most people get enough rest at night. After resting during the night, it is the moment when our bodies work or function optimally. Now, it's the right time to play sports, "said Samantha quoted in Herbalife Nutrition, Thursday, June 28, 2018.

we are getting positive benefits and have more energy and new ideas in the daily activities.

1. Focus

The morning exercise will help us clear the day before and allow us to focus on what will be achieved today. We will have a clear mind of jogging that will help us find peace and quiet to plan the day and ensure that no one's plans are missed. Try to use your sports time to decide how you will spend your day making the most of your time in a positive and planned way.

2. Make it a priority

Many people have planned a morning exercise but never accomplished with insufficient time. They never make sport a priority over many other activities. Leaving exercise due to activity will make you more and more time and energy to take care of your body. Therefore, get up early and start your day with exercise, and the following other activities will not be disrupted.

3. Improve Mood

Exercise triggers the body to release endorphin hormones or hormones that help to induce pleasure. Exercising in the morning will trigger feelings of pleasure, this positive feeling will affect your life and the people you will meet during the day.

4. Set Target

Plan and set your daily sport goals. Success in achieving sporting goals will help you build confidence.

5. Think about the benefits of the body

Morning exercise can help you burn more fat. Starting the day with exercise also helps increase metobolization and encourages the body to use energy to regenerate the body's cells. In addition, light exercise also helps to improve resting metabolic rate (RMR) or calorie burning rate during rest and mild activity. It makes your body more efficient for burning calories.

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