Stay Prima when or after exercise with chocolate milk to drink


Jakarta – At the time of sport, we need a drink that can grow energy. Chocolate milk may be an option

According to existing research, taking samples of athletes while drinking chocolate milk during or after exercise helps to cultivate the fruit. 39, energy

. can make the muscle endurance stronger and replace the lost electrolyte fluids so that the speed of exercise or activity remains intact.

As reported by Channel News, the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition describes the chocolate milk that will affect the recovery of the body. drink a placebo or energy drinks.

The unrefined researcher Europe Journal of Clinical Nutrition in his research badyzed data from 12 previous studies of small size

where his research mainly uses bicycles and athletes run. The later of the athlete is seen how long it takes to feel tired during exercise, heart rate and the level of energy released.

Researchers also pay attention to levels of enzymes and luteoid acid in the blood. And the final result of the research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that consuming chocolate milk will bring energy and slow down fatigue and lakat acid levels in the blood or often called the heart rate equal to drinking an energy drink

Amin Salehi-Abargouei as a senior researcher explains that chocolate milk contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, electrolytes and vitamins.

"The content makes it a good choice for the recovery of athletes," said Dr.Amin. ] Consuming chocolate milk can inhibit fatigue hamir 60 seconds longer than you consume a nutritious placebo drink.

In addition to nutritious, according to the chocolate milk also has a relatively cheap price and delicious taste so that milk chocolate may be an option

If you are allergic to milk, you can consume cereals, sandwiches or soup. This is because they also contain carbohydrates, electrolytes, the same protein as milk chocolate

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