Students should benefit from an education on HIV / AIDS prevention


PROKAL.CO PALANGKA RAYA -A commitment to suppress transmission of HIV / AIDS, between the Regional Device (PD) and the Commission for the Protection of AIDS (KPA), is appreciated . Because, Mou can suppress the spread, with a good method of approach.

"The spread of HIV / AIDS is very difficult to minimize in the absence of cooperation from all parties, be it from the government, or from the community," said Commission Chair C DPRD Central Kalimantan H Syamsul Hadi.

Samsul rate, it is necessary to have an understanding and early education about children, about HIV. Especially for students who are starting to grow up. This effort, so that students will later stay away from the negative things that lead to free baduality.

According to him, free bad is certainly the fastest factor in the transmission of HIV / AIDS. Therefore, do not have teenagers and children who are still sitting on the bench of education, touched and fallen. There should also be a role for all parties to make it clear that free bad is dangerous.

He said that the government has been actively involved in preventing the transmission of HIV / AIDS. This is reflected by, closing some locations that are in some districts. Fortunately, he is able to minimize the growth of badual abuse.

"All efforts are directed by the government, for example providing advice and education, until the closure of the locality, but it also needs the support of the community", said Syamsul. (ari / aza / nto)

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