Swimming Helps Reduce Asthma Problems


JAKARTA JAKARTA Suffering from asthma is not an obstacle for someone to exercise. Although exercise sometimes becomes one of the causes of relapse of asthma. However, careful preparation and a good selection of exercises can help prevent asthma.

Swimming is an excellent sport for asthmatics. Reported by Live Strong, this type of exercise is highly recommended to strengthen the respiratory muscles of people with asthma, reduce the intensity of asthma recurrence, improve cardiovascular health and the physical form.

This is evident across many studies, where regular swimming can improve the lung function of asthmatics and inhaled air when swimming will reduce the dryness of the airways causing recurrence of asthma. Although it offers many benefits, but note the location of the pool.

Asthmatics are encouraged to swim in an indoor or indoor pool. According to research from the Scientific World Journal, asthmatics who swim in the indoor pool for six months have improved lung function compared to those who have not swum.

Open pools are valued to increase the potential for higher allergens due to air so that asthma is easy to reappear. Meanwhile, the Cochrane Research Database of systematic reviews shows, water-based olaragas do not endanger the health of people with asthma as a whole.


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