That's why mucus is in the human body

[ad_1], Jakarta Mucus or mucus that comes out of the human body when it is sick like cold snot or phlegm when cough still has its function. "Mucus is very important to our body," said Michael M. Johns III, director of the Emory Voice Center and badistant professor of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck surgery at Emory University. , United States.

"It's like oil in a machine, without mucus, the engine will float," added Johns, quoted by Webmd on Saturday 7/7/2018.

Tissues that produce mucus lining the mouth, nose, sinuses, throat, lung and gastrointestinal tract. Mucus acts as a protective covering on this surface and prevents the underlying tissue from drying out.

"You must keep them wet, otherwise they will be dry and cracked.You will have a hole," said Neil L. Kao, a professor at the University of Southern California's Faculty of Medicine, United States .

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Previously, BPOM warned against equating sweet condensed products with real dairy products.

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