The Balikpapan Municipal Government will give free vaccination against rubella, date of registration


TRIBUNKALTIM.CO – The city government of Balikpapan will campaign for the immunization of the rubella vaccine for children aged between nine months to 15 years.

Immunization against rubella is scheduled for August 1, 2018. Dyan Muryani has stated that the rubella virus is an epidemic of poliomyelitis in the Lamaru subdistrict

PLT Assistant II from the economic and development section of Sekdakot Balikpapan. who received serious attention. Children infected with this rubella virus will suffer a disability resulting in death.

This virus can attack the nerves of the brain, leading to death. All children from 9 months to 15 years of age must be vaccinated.

Dyah reveals a rubella vaccine worth about 2 million rupiahs. However, in this case, the city government received help from the Children's Monitoring Institute, Uniceff

"In order for all vaccinated children to be aliased free of charge, the vaccine would not be used. is not sold either. " Rai returns the operation after closing

In Balikpapan there was a case. It's threatening. The symptoms are fever and virus-like, and attack the brain.

172 thousand children vaccination quota registered. But there is no possibility for other children

"So until the last child gives us the vaccine," he said.

The Balikpapan plan will be the location of the declared rubella vaccine. Invite President Jokowi. The location and location are always sought after. Coordination with Pasantren Hidayatullah Balikpapan

"Because the problem is that the vaccine still has its doubts halal, so that there will be some degree of confidence," he said.

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Rubella is a contagious virus, can not be prevented by vaccination. For very vulnerable children. Immunize protection for life Although mature if immune is not effective

"The factor of cleanliness, especially in India, where the country is the largest population, Balikpapan has never had this case, but now his parents are building Rubella's house ". (d, s, id) {
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