The benefits of lime overcome the risk of deadly disease


ORANGE Lemon is a fruit that is often eaten by the community. Maybe not eaten directly because it's a sour taste. Usually, lime is added to the dish or used as a drink as infused water.

Of course, not without the reason why lime is consumed. Similar to other fruits, lime has a number of health benefits. Report on medical news Today, Friday (27/7/2018), here are the benefits of lime:

Making the taste of water more pleasant

Control centers and Disease Prevention (CDC) say that lemon juice can increase the flavor of water.

A recent study in nutritional epidemiology shows that people who drink more lemon juice than sugary drinks such as soda or juice, improve their diet by reducing the amount of sugar and fat consumed day

Can help to digestion

Adding lime to water can help digestion because it contains compounds that stimulate digestive secretions in the stomach. The acid in lemon juice also helps saliva to break down food

Reducing the risk of cancer

Several studies have shown an badociation between citrus fruit and reduced risk of certain cancers. A 2015 study in medicine (Baltimore) suggests that citrus consumption reduces the risk of esophageal cancer.

Improves skin quality

Lime contains vitamin C and antioxidants. Both are ingredients used in many skin care products. When they are eaten with water, the natural ingredients of lime can help improve the appearance of aging skin

Increasing Weight Loss

Nutritionists often recommend drink a glbad of water to avoid overeating. Lime juice has additional benefits. The citric acid contained therein helps to increase the body's metabolism, helps burn more calories and store less fat.

Boosting the Immune System

Vitamin C combined with the antioxidants contained in lemon supports the immune system. When taken regularly, lemon juice can help prevent and reduce the flu.

Reducing the Risk of Heart Disease

Lime contains high levels of magnesium and potbadium. Both help support the health of the heart as a whole. According to some studies, vitamin C can help lower morning glucose and post-meal changes, providing excellent blood sugar control potential.

Prevents the growth of microorganisms

According to some studies, limonin present in lime can help prevent the accumulation of Streptococcus bacteria. These bacteria cause various infections and health problems such as respiratory and oral infections.

Has anti-inflammatory properties

Lime provides a good source of vitamin C. This vitamin is an anti-inflammatory agent in the body.

Helps Prevent Kidney Stones

Citric acid and vitamin C content helps break down or prevent the formation of certain types of kidney stones. (*)

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