The doctor's explanation of the rare GBS disease that attacked the boy from Bandung

[ad_1], Bandung Guillain-Barre's Disease (GBS) makes that a boy named Arjuna Arya Atarahman (6) has been treated at RSUP Hasan Sadikin, Bandung, since June 8, 2018. Patients of Bandung regency were suffering from SGB (19659002) Until now, the boy from Campaka village, Pangguh village, sub-district of Ibun, Bandung Regency is still in a coma since the June 20, 2018.

Hasan Sadikin Specialist Hasan Sadikin Nelly Amalia Risan explained, GBS is a damage disease rather than membranes that include the nerve of myelin. Mielin is a shroud or a membrane that protects the nerves

"If the myelin is damaged, the nerves are not going well, so why is it damaged?" Most often, viral infections occur, "said Nelly, Monday, July 9, 2018.

The virus triggers an antibody reaction, but the antibodies produced are wrong to recognize the virus, thereby damaging the nerves themselves.

"It is the fault of the antibodies of our body who know the virus but are considered as the same nerves as the so-called autoimmune viruses." Neural membrane or peripheral nerve. GBS, he said, begin with symptoms of weakness in the legs.

"Always from the bottom (feet) All of a sudden soft, hard to move up to that point" 39, it is difficult to move, he said.

Usually, the weakening of the legs to cause paralysis, some are slow, but there is also a fast. "This can last up to two weeks, gradually, "he said.

In some cases, the SGB is light to progressive (19659002) "Usually, death is caused more by an infection outside the GBS because it is difficult to move so that the lungs are inactive," said Nelly.

] The cause of Guillain-Barré syndrome is not known with certainty. However, it usually has priority over infectious diseases such as respiratory infections or intestinal flu. "The virus may be something, in fact, the flu virus could be a trigger," said Nelly. 19659002] "But the SGB is not contagious, if there is a family member badigned, not necessarily affected by other GBS," he continues.

Guillain-Barré syndrome is a very serious illness requiring immediate hospitalization. . The sooner and the more appropriate in the treatment, there will be a good chance of being generated.

There is no cure for this syndrome. But, there is one type of treatment that can speed up recovery and reduce the severity of the syndrome.

"Because antibodies attack the nerves, so as not to hit the nerve of the antibody is bound by plasmapheresis, the blood is removed, filtered, separated and taken .The blood is then put back into the body , which produces more plasma to compensate for what has been removed. "

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