The establishment of Trada, the measles vaccine had to be soaked at times


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Papua New No. 1 News Portal | Jubi

Jayapura, Jubi – The Office of Health (DHO) Papua does not have Rubella Polio vaccine storage vaccines. To this end, the health officer of each district and city asked to actually calculate how much storage space they have.

Chief of Disease Prevention and Control at the Provincial Health Authority of Papua, Aron Rumainum said the vaccine should be stored in the cooling room. While in Puskesmas is stored in a vaccine refrigerator (vaccine refrigerator) or a vaccine refrigerator

"In all districts / cities have a vaccine storage", he said

Of the 405 existing Puskesmas, the Vaccine refrigeration facilities still need to be cultivated 92 Puskesmas. Each of Paniai, Dogiyai, Deiyai, Intan Jaya, Yahukimo, Tolikara, Nduga, Lany Jaya and Jayawijaya.

To overcome this, he said, he would be smarter by storing the vaccine in plastic, tying it and then dipping it sometimes cold. Given some districts of Papua, the temperature is very cold.

"Later, if possible in the hinterland, the storage area should reach 8 degrees C. By tying it to the plastic, it does not matter, as long as it is closed. "

Given the vaccination against polio, measles will be held simultaneously on August 1, 2018. Dinkes Papua has sent 20,000 vials of vaccine, syringes,, brochures, storage area (chamber cold) to 18 districts / cities.

As for other support materials such as parents' counseling books, teachers and cadres were sent to 21 districts / cities of Papua

"We did not send vaccines to four districts , namely Paniai, Central Mamberamo, Yahukimo and Puncak, because it will always be socialization, "Rumainum said.

He adds that to vaccinate 1 million children in Papua, it takes 100,000 vian. that existed already up to 20 000.

"The first step was sent from Jakarta and plans to return 20 000 vials of vaccine, but it depends on the storage area" (19659004) Papuan Assistant for Business Papa's popular and social, Noak Kapisa is asking the district / city government to succeed the mbad vaccination campaign against measles in children aged 9 months to 15 years old in August 2018, while September 2018

"J & Hope that health workers will be able to perform their duties for disease prevention and disease control and improve performance, "said Kapisa. (*)

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