The following symptoms of lung cancer are felt by the BNPB Sutopo manager


The following symptoms of lung cancer are felt by the BNPB Sutopo manager
Sutopo Purwo Nugroho – Antara, JAKARTA – Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, head of BNPB, is known to have stage 4B lung cancer.

He explained that because of the disease, his weight had been reduced to 20 kg and was immediately sentenced to stage 4 cancer.

For this reason, he made a call to do routine examinations if there were signs of illness. In order not to catch cancer when it is advanced. He also said that most cancer triggers were unhealthy lifestyles.

"I do not smoke, I like to eat fruits and fruits, I swim and exercise diligently, but I immediately have stage 4b ​​lung cancer." Is spread to the bones and lymph nodes, the symptoms can be long but I do not feel pain, "he wrote in his Twitter account.

It also provides information on the symptoms to be considered so that people are more aware of cancer, as follows:

1. Prolonged cough and worse. Sometimes the mucus has fine blood spots.

2. Decreased appetite.

3. Headache.

4. Shortness of breath and chest pain.

5. Hoarseness.

6. weight loss.

7. Feeling tired without a cause.

8. sudden body

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