The low price of sugar palm sugar before Jalan Dibeton TMMD


The low price of sugar palm sugar before TMMD concretized by road

  Photo: / dok
Photo: suaramerdeka .com / dok [19659006] BANJARNEGARA, – Ali Misno (47) is a palm sugar artisan Dusun Kroya RT 4 RW 3 Pasegeran Village. A new hope was beginning to implicitly implant in the roads of the village, hardened and wide through concrete TMMD 102 Banjarnegara, 1.1 kilometers long and three meters wide.

During this artificial palm, most purchased by collectors who come to the village cheap Ali membanderol sugar for 10 thousand per kilonya in place, while the market price is 25 to 30 thousand per kilo. (19659007) Later, after the construction of the road by TNI and the citizens, he will extend his radius of action while traveling by motorcycle or his wife, Tirah (43) will also sell at the Wage Sweet Market at Lawen Village, in the sub-district of Pandarum. is 4.7 pounds for 17 minutes. In addition, Ali will also entrust his goods to the sub-district market of Kaibening, 14 kilometers away

It is happiness for Ali and other palm sugar artisans in the village. With a good road later, obviously an increase in the selling price of sugar palm residents' craft.

Ali explained to Koptu Anggono, a member of the Kodim TMMD Working Group 0704 Banjarnegata, that the raw material of 150 liters juice turned into 15 kg palm sugar. The selling price per kilo is 10 thousand rupees. "Our daily average daily income is 150 thousand rupiahs, depending on the amount of material," he said. [TN65]

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