The most powerful way to prevent pain and the flu

[ad_1], Jakarta There are easy and healthy ways to prevent the future flu. Not with drugs, just with regular exercises every day.

David Nieman, a health expert from the State University of Appalachia, says that exercise is the most powerful weapon for preventing illness, including the flu. For sports can increase stamina.Technically, the exercise will increase the movement of white blood cells that play a role against virus attacks in the body.

For the flu, a study indicates that sports such as jogging, cycling or swimming for at least 20 minutes each day can increase the body's immunity by warding off influenza virus attacks. The exercise can still be done even if the person has been attacked by the flu. Just pay attention to the type of drug consumed.

"Some flu medications contain decongestants that can improve heart work, so exercise is not too difficult to maintain, the heart does not work too hard," said Nieman, quoted by indiavision , Thursday (28/06/2018).

Clear sports can be a good solution to prevent the flu when the weather is not favorable to the body. Unpredictable weather changes can negatively affect the immune system.

Reduce the flu and cough with this plant

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