The right time to start checking your heart health


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Heart disease is still a scary specter. This cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the world, including Indonesia.

This heart disease can threaten anyone without exception. According to specialist and blood vessel Johan Winata, everyone should be vigilant and start checking heart health as soon as possible to prevent serious heart disease and heart attacks.

Johan explains that every person has a risk of heart disease because of the accumulation of fat.

Heart disease due to blockage of blood vessels is also known as coronary artery disease. The phenomenon of coronary heart disease has increased dramatically over the last 10 years.

"The accumulation of fat in the blood begins to appear at the age of 10 years and continues to grow with age, but its progression can clog the blood vessels and cause heart disease different for everyone, some quickly, some slowly "Johan during a media discussion organized by Pondok Indah Group Hospital, Jakarta, Tuesday (10/7).

To be able to determine the state of heart health, Johan advises everyone to do an early detection by identifying factors that accelerate the risk of developing heart disease.

Factors that can accelerate the process of fat accumulation obstruct blood vessels including family history having heart disease, blood sugar and smoking habits.

"These three factors can be self-sustaining and lead to very rapid progress, and if you already have this risk, check your heart health immediately and start making prevention efforts to slow down the blockage," says Johan. Indah Puri Indah tells the story of a 17-year-old who has suffered a blockage of blood vessels because she has a family history of the same disease.

"I just had an old patient yesterday, the ring of the heart off. "Johan says

In addition to these three risk factors, Johan also pointed to two other factors that cause coronary artery disease ie hypertension and cholesterol.

If not having these risk factors Johan advises to keep a cardiac checkup. According to Johan, to men the progression of blockage of blood vessels will be faster after the age of 40. In women, progress will be faster after menopause. 19659002] "If you have entered this age, consult the doctor immediately," says Johan.

Examination of the heart

Want to do a cardiac checkup, there are several ways to

First, using an electrocardiographic (ECG) device or known as a cardiac record.This is an echocardiography or echocardiography. exams can only be used for detect the narrowing of the blood vessels of the heart that is very heavy or that has disrupted the function of the heart.

To detect a low level of blockage, the treadmill stress test method can be used. This test is done by running on the treadmill and noting the movement of blood flow to and from the heart. If there is a narrowing of the blood vessels, the cardiac record will change.

There are also CT Angio and Calcium Score, Cardiac MR and PET Scan / SPECT methods. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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