The severity of heart disease that tears the actor of life Arief Rivan, Be careful, here 5 symptoms


TRIBUNJAMBI.COM – Heart disease is the most dangerous disease, because it can take a life suddenly.

Heart disease is a dangerous disease other than cancer, this disease also claimed the life of the main actor, Arief Rivan

Read more: The main actor Arief Rivan is dead , the child fainted after the funeral

In medicine, heart disease is called coronary heart disease.

Basically, coronary heart disease occurs when the main blood vessels (coronary blood vessels) that supply the heart are damaged.

It is believed that these damages are due to the accumulation of cholesterol or plaque in the coronary arteries. : Seconds Luhut Cekcok with Ratna Sarumpaet, this is chronological

The plaque makes the blood vessels roner narrows so that the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart is inhibited.

More than 1 million people in the United States suffer from heart attacks each year.

The common symptoms seen in adult patients with heart disease are chest pain with cold sweating.

But now doctors have revealed that there are some early symptoms that indicate heart disease.

Read: 10 easy ways to avoid teenagers from heart disease and stroke, No. 8 Mau Banget!

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