These 5 powerful ways to overcome migraine


Illustration – Healthmeup JAKARTA – If you have experienced a migraine, then you certainly know how a headache attack is very torture. In fact, migraine is considered one of the worst types of diseases that can affect humans, especially since the cause and treatment of this disease are not known until now.

However, this does not mean that migraine can not be overcome. Here are the five most powerful ways to treat migraine as reported by Friday (29/6/2018):

  1. Overcoming the Magnesium Supplement

A number of sufferers migraine have low levels of magnesium in blood. Therefore, magnesium intake can help reduce migraine attacks.

Magnesium consumption can be obtained from supplements or foods such as green vegetables, fruits and nuts. However, the supplement intake should be done according to the doctor's advice.

  1. Overcoming Lavender Essential Oil

Another way to treat and relieve migraines is to use essential oils such as lavender. Lavender essential oil is known to kill and reduce migraine pain instantly and naturally.

Various studies show that people who breathe the scent of lavender essential oils will relieve migraines earlier. So, always keep a bottle of lavender essential oil to inhale, if you often suffer from migraine.

  1. Stretching exercises

Stiffness in the neck and back, poor posture sitting too long on the desk, typing for hours, lack of physical activity, and so on can make you suffer from migraines as well as other types of headaches.

So, experts advise doing stretching exercises of the neck, shoulders and back, every hour, wherever you are. This will help reduce headaches caused by migraines and other types of headaches.

  1. Drink enough water

Dehydration is caused by not drinking enough water in a day. As is known, dehydration can cause a number of health problems such as fatigue, dryness, high blood pressure and even headaches.

So, be sure to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, to avoid migraines and other types of headaches.

  1. Avoid Unhealthy Foods

Research has shown that people who eat unhealthy foods like processed foods, fried foods, foods high in salt, unhealthy fats and sugars and others are more at risk for migraines than people who eat healthy foods and have a balanced diet.

So, it is very important for you to eat healthy foods if you want to prevent and treat migraine headaches.

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