These are 5 factors that increase the risk of miscarriage during pregnancy


POS-KUPANG.COM– Kmiscarriage usually occurs only during the first trimester of pregnancy. Ten to 25% of pregnant women have a miscarriage.

This is perhaps the reason why most couples announce a pregnancy after the disappearance of the risk of miscarriage.

Some of the factors that increase the number of miscarriages during pregnancy are:

1. genetics

Genetic problems are responsible for about 90% of miscarriages that occurred during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Babies inherit 23 chromosomes from each parent. If one of the chromosomes is damaged or lost, this can lead to complications and miscarriages.

2. Certain types of infections

Sometimes pregnant women suffer from cervical infections or other infections such as mycoplasma, chlamydia, ureaplasma or gonorrhea.

All types of infections of this type prove fatal for the growth and development of a growing baby and can cause miscarriages.

3. Progesterone deficiency

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