This explains why zoonoses are very dangerous


Over the last 30 years, the world has been confronted with the emergence of emerging infectious diseases or new infectious diseases. The lack of information about diseases and the lack of drugs make new infectious diseases very dangerous.

Some new infectious diseases that threaten health are mainly zoonotic. Zoonosis is an animal disease that can spread to humans and vice versa.

Examples of zoonotic diseases that have become epidemics include bird flu, also known as bird flu, Ebola, MERS-VOC, Zika virus and SARS.

Siti Nadia Tarmizi, the Ministry of Health's director of vector-borne and zoonotic disease prevention and control (P2TVZ), said zoonotic diseases are very dangerous because drugs are hard to find.

Avian flu, for example, can only be cured by the drug Tami Flu.

"Therefore, priority 3E, which is the priority of One Health, namely early detection, early reporting and rapid response, must absolutely be improved in all sectors," he said.

The dangers of zoonosis can not only threaten human life, but also cause heavy economic losses. For this reason, the control of zoonotic diseases must be comprehensive and based on the One Health concept, namely the collaborative efforts of various health science professions, as well as scientific disciplines and institutions active at the local, national and international levels. world.

One Health is commemorated every November 3rd around the world. In Indonesia, this year's One Health is celebrated at the Udayana University in Bali, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture (Ministry of Agriculture) and FAO, Indonesia.

"The existence of wild animal disease cases with the possibility of transmitting this disease of wild animals to domestic or direct animals (overflow) requires efforts to mitigate risks." An important element of this mitigation effort is the ability to detect, report and react initially to the source before infecting it or pbading it on to other animals, or even humans, "said Fadjar Sumping Tjatur Rasa, Director of Animal Health of the Ministry of Agriculture.

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