This is how early to detect colon cancer

[ad_1] | SURABAYA – Colon cancer is becoming one of the most scary diseases for people over 40 years old.

Indeed, nine in ten people with colon cancer or colorectal cancer are elderly

. Made Putra Sedana, Sp. PD.KHOM, Specialist of Internal Medicine and Cancer Center Adi Husada Cancer Center (AHCC) said that there was a way to detect colon cancer early

Specially for those with a family history of colon cancer.

The symptoms are not typical, so we must know and be sensitive to having a family with a history of colon cancer Early detection of at least one stool examination, with a colonoscopy If the first examination is normal there is nothing, then three years of colonoscopy, after completing the final stadium colorectomy cancer symposium at the Wyndham Hotel on Saturday, July 7, 2018.

If abnormal cells are found, the next action is a biopsy examination or an abnormal cell tissue sample

. ] The biopsy is used to kill the diagnosis, then there are steps of ultrasound, X-ray, MRI scan to see if the spread of the cancer is at a high stage.

"Diagnosis and p Early treatment of colon cancer will increase the chances of recovery in the patient.But if it has spread as well as other cancers, treatment is usually by surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, "he explained

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