This tea is effective in overcoming flatulence –


This herbal drink is rich in antioxidants and minerals that can increase immunity., JAKARTA – The feeling of bloating is usually caused by a trapped gas or excessive in the stomach. This happens when the digestive system digests certain foods or drinks.

Foods that are generally difficult to digest and cause bloating are junk food or unhealthy unhealthy foods. In addition to junk food, carbonated soft drinks can also cause bloating.

Not only food and drinks, vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and bamboo shoots can also make the wind trapped in the stomach. However, some foods and drinks can improve the digestive process while eliminating bloating.

Peppermint tea is an effective drink against bloating. Presented in Express, this herbal drink is rich in antioxidants and minerals that can boost immunity and improve the digestive system.

Peppermint contains magnesium, potbadium and vitamins A and C. Magnesium is a mineral that converts food into energy and helps increase energy levels.

Potbadium helps control the balance of liquids in the body, preventing the build-up of fluids that can trigger bloating. Vitamin A helps the immune system fight off diseases and infections, while vitamin C helps protect cells in the body.

In addition, peppermint tea also contains antispasmodic properties that can help eliminate crsm or stomach cramps. This content relieves the attraction of the muscles and puts the stomach at ease.

Although the menthol content can soothe stomach ailments and overcome digestion problems. This drink also does not contain caffeine, which can give the impression that the stomach is swollen.

Peppermint tea is very effective when taken after meals or when the stomach starts to feel swollen and cramped. To prevent cramps or bloating, avoid junk food and non-alcoholic beverages.

Source: Republika


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