Trastuzumab triggered drug trigger, a cancer patient Jokowi and BPJS Health


TRIBUNJAKARTA.COM, JAKARTA A cancer patient named Juniarti suing President Joko Widodo and BPJS Health
Edy Haryadi the husband filed a lawsuit due to the suspension of Trastuzumab's drug guarantees [19659002] and the wife as the authorizer of the Trastuzumab advocacy team decided to seek justice in court, let the judge be the arbiter, said Edy, Wednesday (25/7/2018).

The plan next week will be submitted to the Central District Court of Jakarta. (19459004)

In addition to addressing President Jokowi, the lawsuit is also addressed to the Minister of Health Nila F Moeloek, Director of BPJS Fachmi Idris, and to the House of Representatives BPJS Clinical Consideration

"Defendant II is the Minister of Health, because the creation of the BPJS Clinical Consideration Board is stipulated in the regulations the Minister of Health. is the chief director of BPJS. While defendant IV is the BPJS Clinical Consideration Board, "Edy says.

Edy explains why he filed a complaint.

Initially, his current wife who works as a lawyer and will become a lawyer in the lawsuit. December 2017 suffers from swelling in the neck or in the lymph nodes

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The office where he works provides the Social Security Service (BPJS) health

In January 2018, Edy verifies Juniarti in Puskemas Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, the nearest health center with domicile according to the BPJS procedure

"My wife was referred to the specialized part of the disease at Budhi Asih Jakarta Regional General Hospital East," he said.

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