Treat biliary pain with this technology


TEMPO.CO Jakarta – In case of pain in gallstones, the person usually feels symptoms such as an intense pain in the upper right stomach that is back, abdominal bloating, nausea

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Nevertheless, today's patients should not be too uncomfortable. worry about having an open surgery for healing. According to Eko Priatno, consulting surgeon consultant surgeon at Pondok Indah Hospital, there is now a technology that greatly facilitates handling.

"The development of health technology not only makes the examination even more detailed, but also sums up the manipulation, It, Sunday, July 9, 2018.

The d & # 39; they are the presence of a single laparoscopic incision surgery (SILS) or laparoscopic one point.An application of this new technology is for the manipulation of gallstones.Initial, the handling of gallstones is done by Open surgery (open cholecystectomy) However, because of the abundance of complications of the action, laparoscopic surgery was developed.

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Initially, the technique that began in 1985 was done with making 3-4 incisions equal to the keyhole.In the course of time, technology in the medical world is expanding. 1997, a technique called laparaskopi a point was This new technique is an alternative to minimize the complications of surgical incisions.

The intervention with the technology leaves only a very minimal scar (almost invisible) because it only makes a small incision. Patients treated with this technique will be more comfortable. This is due to the absence of postoperative pain, a shorter hospital stay and a faster return to activity.

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