Try to quit smoking this way



M EROKOK may cause various health problems for the body, both short and long term

However, for cigarette smokers, this habit can be very difficult to remove. To help you, try the following:

1. Stop smoking gradually. Reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke gradually but surely. Do it this way until you stop smoking. Set goals that must be met and achieved, and reduce the number of your cigarettes.

2. Avoid places that may cause a desire to smoke, such as public areas that offer a smoking area. If you have to go to a public place, look for those who have a smoking ban.

3. You can divert your attention from smoking by doing positive activities that you like, like going out with friends or family, fighting again with your old hobbies, exercising, sightseeing and socializing. Moreover. Thus, the odds of smoking are smaller

4. You need the support of people around to stop smoking. Ask for help from family and friends. Tell them what you expect to stop smoking. If necessary, do positive activities with them.

Smoking can lead to various diseases, one of which triggers high blood pressure. If this happens, you are at greater risk for heart disease and stroke.
In addition, active smokers, but also pbadive smokers, do not only feel the dangers of smoking. In fact, there are some diseases whose risks are just as high for active and pbadive smokers.

To prevent all kinds of diseases caused by cigarettes, intimidate your will to quit for your health and that of those around you. / klikdokter

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